UNO Web Game

Published 2025-04-26

🃏 UNO Web-Based Multiplayer Game🔗


This project is a web-based multiplayer UNO game .

Just like UNO, each player take turns to select a card to play, until one of the players have no cards left. For the user's convenience, unavailable cards to play are not selectable.

It incorporates technologies to ensure scalability, security, and performance, making it robust enough to handle real-time multiplayer interactions. Main

🛠️ Key Technologies🔗

Some Game Settings🔗

export interface Card {
  id: CardId
  rank: typeof RANKS[number]
  suit: typeof SUITS[number]
  locationType: LocationType
  playerIndex: number | null
  positionInLocation: number | null

Project Structure🔗

Project Structure Project Structure Project Structure