

I believe the best way to get to know my app is through using it, and I'm excited to share that the TravelLogGo app has been approved for beta testing!
I hope you will take a few minutes to try playing my app through Testflight. However, if you'd rather read through the details, you may find them below

TravelLog Application User's GuideπŸ”—

An app that is designed to capture and relive your travel memories.

Key FeaturesπŸ”—

Please note that the VisitedStatesView and AchievementsView are designed for US trips only.

Sample UsageπŸ”—

The app should be straightforward to use. However, below is a sample usage guide.

  1. Start by adding a trip:

    • Tap on the 'Add Trip' button and enter the details of your trip. You can include as much or as little information as you like.
    • Or you can choose pictures directly from the album on your phone. The app can automatically fills in the location and dates based on photo metadata
    • To add music to your trip, ensure that you have an active Apple Music subscription
    • Not forget to save the trip by tapping the 'Save' button.
  2. See your added trip

    • Each pin on the map view (the first and default view of our app) represents a trip. Tap on any pin to delve into detailed views of that trip.
  3. See your updated VisitedStatesView and unlocked achievement in the AchievementsView

  4. Edit the trip detail as you want by tapping the pin on the map view and select "edit trip" from the menu

Data ManagementπŸ”—


VisitedStatesView SVG Map
US States
SVG to SwiftUI code converter: SVG Shaper for SwiftUI from MAC's Apple Store
App Icon Generator
App Icon Template

Contact USπŸ”—

For any issues or feedback, please contact us at:
Ruichen Zhao:
Yanzheng Wu:

Thanks for supporting our app!
Enjoy your journey with the TravelLogGo app!
